Neue Vortragsreihe “Moving Books”

In diesem Wintersemester startet eine Vortragsreihe, die Madeline Zehnder, Postdoktorandin unseres Kollegs, initiiert und organisiert hat: „Moving Books“ vereint vier Vorträge, die sich in den kommenden beiden Semestern mit der Materialität und Mobilität von Büchern aus einer globalen Perspektive beschäftigen werden.
The lecture series foregrounds the materiality and interactivity of books as objects. Through talks that consider books not just as repositories for texts but as artifacts that move across space and prompt readers to move in turn, the series investigates entwined historical questions of book use, the embodied nature of reading, the practices and infrastructures of global information flows, and what it means to be “portable.” Like the artifacts they investigate, these talks travel, spanning borders of language, religion, nation, and time, while also paying close attention to the small forms that set books in motion, from pocket-sized formats to mechanical elements such as movable flaps and spinning volvelles.
“Moving Books” beginnt am 28.10.2024 um 18 Uhr mit dem Vortrag von Verónica Stedile Luna “To Edit is to Write: Variations of Text and Scale in Carlos Ríos’s Oficina Perambulante” im Ibero-Amerikanischen Institut, Potsdamer Str. 37, Simon-Bolivar-Saal.
Weitere Informationen zum ersten Vortrag finden Sie hier, mehr zur Reihe hier.